Friday, October 24, 2014

4 Quick Tips for Halloween Safety

All parents are concerned with Halloween Safety.  The following video gives 4 Quick Tips that we should all be aware of... 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Rainy Day Blues

Oh look, its raining outside.....again! Oh goodness how I hate the rain. I hope this blog today will show you how to get rid of the rainy day blues and boredom on a rainy day!! Enjoy!
  • Don't go outside!
  • Always Smile - Even if you don't feel like smiling and are bored or sad do it, its close to the real thing!
  • Dance - Who doesn't love to boogie on rainy days to Lady Gaga!!! So go ahead, turn on your favorite song on YouTube and get up in dance just like a circus!
  • Invite some friends over. Having friends over is so fun and exciting. This will easily get rid of that boredom and blues!
  • Take a nap! Who doesn't love to get under the warm covers and sleep like there's no tomorrow!?
  • Put on your headphones, blast your iPod and read a magazine.
  • Draw, paint or read!
  • Hang out with your family. On a day like this have some quality time with family.
  • And if all else fails - Call your favorite Realtor and ask what new things are going on.  Your Realtor for life will be happy to hear from you and always knows what local events are going on!!!
Hope these few tips help to cheer you!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Best Haunted Houses in Scareville Tennessee

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Spring Hill
What exactly is it about Haunted Houses that make us want to visit 
them year after year?  To me it has to do with anticipation and the 
unexpected.  I love the thrill of not knowing what will be around 
the next corner.  It is like riding a roller coaster of emotions.  
Haunted Houses somehow inpower me in a way that I can't explain, 
a step out of reality.  Once I have completed one I'm ready 
to go again. If you are looking for a scare this Halloween Season 
below are some of the best in the Middle Tennessee area.  
Visit them if you dare....

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Changing your Decor with the Season!

Crisp leaves have already begun their descent from the treetops.  Accumulating on our ever changing landscape.  There is a cool breeze in the air as we start to realize that Fall is upon us.  It is time to bring that Autumn feeling indoors.

Changing your decor with the season not only keeps it from being too mundane, but will also help to lift your spirits with a fresh new look and Buyers will view your home as cozy. There are several ways to bring that Fall feeling into your home.

First, use colors appropriate to the season.  Take your cue from nature.  All around us we see vivid foliage in shade of butterscotch, cinnamon, cocoa and rosemary.  It's easy to incorporate these colors into your interior spaces.  You can repaint your walls or a piece of furniture.  Use these colors as accents.  For example, a throw blanket or pillows on your existing sofa or maybe matting around a favorite print or photo.  These colors will create warmth no matter where or how you use them.

Texture is another important element in design.  Texture adds the finishing detail to any room.  Choose fabrics that are warm to the touch such as cotton chenille and wool.  Leather is also a consideration, but remember a little goes a long way; too much can make a room seem cold and uninviting.  Window treatments can also add a lot to your rooms appearance.  Sheers are great in warmer months but heavier drapes will make your room feel more cozy.  You can add these to your existing sheers or replace your sheers completely.  By hanging your drapes off to the side of your window, it will appear larger and you can enjoy your view of the changing season.

To give your room a more intimate feel, pull your furniture toward the center of the room and position your sofa facing the natural focal point such as the fireplace, a bay window, or entertainment center.  Placing an area rug in front of your sofa will help to unify the space and give added focus to the room's center.  It is important to give your decor a layered look in cooler seasons.  Imagine how you will dress yourself in coming months.

Keep your senses in mind when refreshing your space for a particular season.  I have already mentioned sight (color) and touch (texture), now let's talk about smell.  Nothing makes me think of Autumn more than the scent of pumpkin pie, spiced apples and Halloween candy.  I'm sure that there is a certain scent that congers up images of Fall in your mind.  Play off of that and put out potpourri or burn scented candles.

I would like to give you one more thing to think about and that is the exterior of your home, mainly the front door.  It is so important to dress the entrance of your home.  This is the first impression your guests and buyers will have of your home. And you only have one chance for a good first impression. Hang a wreath with Autumn colors on your door or better yet put out a decorative pot of brightly colored mums.  This will certainly make your entrance more inviting and compliment the seasonal touches of your interior.

I am confident that these small details will not only create warmth and character to your home but will also give it the seasonal updated look it deserves.